Create articles quickly

Easily add text, images, links, tables, and videos to articles.

Then select a category, add related articles and edit your SEO title and descriptions.


On-brand Knowledge Base

Versoly's knowledge base software uses the fonts, colors, navbar and footer from your existing website.

This allows you to create your knowledge base quicker and make sure that it is always update with your brand.


Built for collaboration

Invite your team members to your knowledge base and keep it update to date.

<100ms search

Knowledge base searches take less than a 100ms making sure your customers always have a great experience.

Advanced SEO

  • Facebook, Twitter and Metatags
  • Sitemaps and Robots.txt
  • Canonical tags

Built-in SSL

All knowledge bases include SSL for free to maximise security and give customers piece of mind.

Instant scaling

Knowledge bases stay fast even at millions of visitors.

Everything is hosted on AWS and based on static technologies.

Draft publishing

Draft mode allows you to edit articles and only publish when they're ready.


Versoly's page builder made it easy for us to put up a clean marketing site for our SaaS business. The best practices & inspiration it provides for each design block is perfect and allows you to learn from the best SaaS companies out there.

Shuhaid Lambe

Co-founder @ Swipez