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Psychology Of Converting Landing Pages

Posted by Versoly | February 5, 2020

Psychology Of Converting Landing Pages

In the social media age, we live with constantly rapid streams of information. The average person is exposed to hundreds - if not thousands - of ads and dozens of brand logos every day. Because of post feeds on platforms like twitter, facebook & instagram, the human’s attention span decreases with time as it unconsciously falls into a never ending dopamine release loop.

Simply put, that process looks like this:   

As we scroll down the feed, the human expects to see or read something exciting that causes dopamine release and with further scrolling this behavior repeats itself.
A post acts as a stimulus to the brain with a potential to result in a feel-good reward. With iterations, this process strengthens connections between brain cells and neurons. Hence, this reinforcing behavior results in a habit.

The mind adapts to this psychological behavior and side-effects emerge after a certain period of time of regular exposure to social media. It becomes impatience, causes lack of focus, boredom becomes much more unpleasant than before, constant expectation of pleasure becomes omnipresent.

Obviously, it affects also other areas of life. This type of behavior is not natural for the human. It isn't meant to act that way. Now, the human’s brain expects everything in life to happen rapidly as well. Short videos, short articles, short conversations, shorter books and it might cause shallow thinking.

That being said, we must be aware of these psychological changes to develop an effective marketing strategy. One part is an adapted landing page that converts. Let’s look at some of the big players in the SaaS game:

  • Atlassen
  • Dropbox
  • SAP
  • Workday
  • Hubspot
  • Ring Central
  • Teem

All of them have one thing in common. None of them put much emphasis on fancy design, illustrations or animations. Everything is kept plain and simple. They don’t sell their products to designers. They don’t want to win a UI design award. Yet there is a subtle element that makes a big difference. Copywriting & UX! They want visitors to take action! And that’s the way they designed their landing pages.

  • They use brief sentences to explain as much as possible.
  • Short videos or clips of their application are included. Demonstrating how fast and easy it is to use.
  • They don't keep the visitor 10 minutes on their page to explore everything. Although, they do add a lot of “learn more” or “sign up for x” buttons in every section in case one specific feature captures the visitor’s interest. But what do you get to see on the other page? Right, more “sign up” buttons.
  • Also, if you sell to different audiences, the UX experience of one user group might differ from the other if they want you to select a customer type when you decide to engage.

Their intent is to make the visitor act immediately just like social media feeds. People are now used to concise messages that make its point quickly. So now, you have to design your landing page the same way. Concise, expressive and lots of calls to action. Those CTAs (call to actions) don’t have to have a distinct color or size. It has only a subtle purpose. Once they captured the visitor’s interest, they want to “channel” them through their sales funnel. Because it’s not always the whole application that makes the visitor want to sign up. Sometimes, it’s only a few features that make them interested. And that’s what the sales funnel does. It leads the visitor to the feature they are mostly looking for and elaborate how good and beneficial it is in a longer format. With a one to two minute video or a short text, or both.

And that’s the essence of every highly converting landing page.

In the beginning it’s unlikely to get immediately a high conversion rate (unless you have experience) because we are get trapped by our own biases. But that’s where reiteration and optimization comes into play.

We at Versoly aren’t trying to win the design award for our landing pages. We’ve developed a tool that prioritizes conversion, marketing and customer service. We provide separate blocks/sections designed for conversion instead of whole templates so you have the option to create different variations and optimize it with time. Additionally, we give you the option to integrate marketing tools such as google analytics, crisp, drift and more! We make sure that we take care of the tedious work, so you can spend your time on what actually matters.

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